Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Extended Library Hours for Finals

The Library will be OPEN ALL NIGHT
before each Exam Day
Final Exams will be on December 6, 7, 10, 12, & 13
(Reading Days are December 5 and 11)
Wed. Dec. 5 – OPEN ALL NIGHT
Thurs. Dec. 6 – OPEN ALL NIGHT
Fri. Dec. 7 – Open ‘til 10 p.m.
Sat. Dec. 8 – Open ‘til Midnight
Sun. Dec. 9 – OPEN ALL NIGHT
Mon. Dec. 10 – OPEN 'til 2 a.m.
Tues. Dec. 11 – OPEN ALL NIGHT
Wed. Dec. 12 – OPEN ALL NIGHT
Thurs. Dec. 13 - Open 'til 10 p.m.
Fri. Dec. 14 - Open 'til 5 p.m.

Library services end at 2 a.m. (after 2 a.m. no check-outs; no reserves; no copier or printer support; no paying fines)

Many thanks to SGA & Campus Police
for making these extended hours possible!

Another Important Date:
ALL Interlibrary Loan Books are due back on Monday, December 6th.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Provost's Forum: Jim Neel

BSC Associate Professor of Art Jim Neel will be featured in a Provost's Forum event this Thursday, November 29. Neel's presentation, entitled, "Les Enfants de la Terre: Children in the Line of Fire," will take place in the art history lecture room.

In October 2010, Neel was awarded the Southeastern College Art Conference Individual Artist's Fellowship for "Les Enfants de la Terre," a series of sculptures in terracotta and iron that addreses the issue of child soldiers. The diminutive scale of the figures strike viewers with their physical fragility and small size, as they call to attention the use of children as soldiers. Neel received a $3,000 award to apply toward the project in addition to the honor of the recognition.

Come enjoy this Provost's Forum event and collect a cultural credit!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Library hours during Thanksgiving break

Hello, all! The Library's Thanksgiving Break hours are scheduled as follows:

Tuesday, November 20 - 8:00am to 10:00pm
Wednesday, November 21 -- 8:00am - noon
Thursday, November 22-- CLOSED
Friday, November 23 -- CLOSED
Saturday, November 24 -- CLOSED
Sunday, November 25 -- 2:00pm to midnight

Also, don't forget to come by the library circulation desk to decorate a feather for our turkey! Gobble Gobble Gobble! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!

Friday, November 16, 2012

BSC Celebrates 75 Years of Phi Beta Kappa

Phi Beta Kappa is America's oldest and most prestigious Greek letter academic honor society. Since its founding in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa has sought to develop serious minded students pursuing liberal education and intellectual fellowship. The Greek initials for the society's motto, Love of learning is the guide of life, form the name of Phi Beta Kappa (ΦBK).

Thanks to the efforts of BSC's visionary President Guy Snavely, the College was awarded a Phi Beta Kappa charter in 1937, and the Beta of Alabama chapter was established. Seventy-five years later, Birmingham-Southern College is proud to remain a part of this tradition of excellence.

Today, there are 280 chapters of Phi Beta Kappa across the country.  Many influential people are members, including 17 US presidents, writers Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain and Michael Crichton, activists Paul Robeson and Betty Friedan, composer Stephen Sondheim, film director Francis Ford Coppola, and NFL quarterback Peyton Manning.  At BSC, new members are elected each spring.  They are typically seniors in the top 10% of their graduating class, who are pursuing a liberal arts degree and have shown a breadth of intellectual perspective, capacity for deliberation and ethical reflection, and a commitment to "love of learning as the guide of life."

Birmingham-Southern College is honored to celebrate 75 years of Phi Beta Kappa.  Please stop by the display cases in the Library to see an exhibit of some of the documents related to the founding and the history of ΦBK at BSC.

Signatures of the charter members of ΦBK at BSC.

BSC Phi Beta Kappa pioneer Guy Snavely

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Events for "Next To Normal" Students

This coming Tuesday, November 13th, a Provost’s Forum entitled “Pop-Rock Musicals, Pulitzer Prizes, and Psychological Disorders: Just Another Day in the Life of a ‘Next to Normal’ Family” will take place in the College Mainstage Theatre during Common Hour. The presentation will feature Professor Michael Flowers of Theatre Arts and Dr. Heather Meggers-Wright of the Psychology department along with part of the cast of BSC’s production of Next to Normal.

The Provost's Forum event will precede Birmingham-Southern College Department of Theatre's upcoming production of the Pulitzer Prize-winning drama, Next to Normal. With story and lyrics written by Brian Yorkey and music by Tom Kitt, Next to Normal first premiered off Broadway in 2008. The story interacts with many social and psychological themes, the main plot concerning a mother who struggles with bipolar disorder and how the disease affects her family.

Four productions will be staged: on November 15 – 17 at 7:30 p.m. and on November 18 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are already on sale-- they are $20 to the general public and $10 for students of any institution. Students can also take advantage of this opportunity to earn an EEIS credit!