Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Bunny at the Library?

Get ready everyone! The moment you've been waiting for has arrived! We've heard rumors that the Easter Bunny will be visiting the library for a couple of hours today starting around 5PM!

Are the rumors true?
Will he really be here?
Will the esteemed Bunny also let you sit in his lap and maybe let you take pictures with him?
Will we be seeing you there?

I guess we'll find out tonight...

And don't forget about the library's Easter weekend hours!
Friday (Mar. 29): CLOSED
Saturday (Mar. 30): CLOSED
Sunday (Mar. 31): CLOSED
Monday (Apr. 1): Resume normal schedule

Monday, March 25, 2013

Dr. Thayer Scudder, Visiting Scholar

Dr. Thayer Scudder, Anthropology Professor Emeritus at the California Institute of Technology, will be visiting BSC as part of Phi Beta Kappa's Visiting Scholar Lecture Series. Each year PBK, our nation's oldest academic honor society, sends about a dozen distinguished scholars around the country to give lectures and visit institutions with PBK chapters.

Dr. Scudder was educated at Harvard University, and earned an A.B. in Biology and Anthropology in 1952, and a Ph.D. in Anthropology in 1960. He then did a Post Doctoral Fellowship at the London School of Economics, which was followed by positions at institutes in Rhodesia and Cairo. He joined the faculty at Caltech in 1962. His research into the socioeconomic issues of river basin development has made him a leading expert on dams and refugee relocation effects. For more information about Dr. Scudder's research and his recent publications, visit his Caltech faculty profile.

Dr. Scudder will deliver two lectures during his two-day visit. The first, "NGOs and Non-Profits: The Global Career Landscape", will be given as part of the Career Seminar Series on March 27 from 2-3:30 in Norton Center 270. The other, "Global Threats, Global Futures: Learning to Live with Declining Living Standards", will be given in the Norton Theatre during Common Hour on Thursday, March 28, and will count as an EEIS credit.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Time for Spring Break!

Alright, it's finally time for everyone's favorite week.....SPRING BREAK!!!

Now I know some of you may not be going home for the week, so if you will be remaining on campus and need to use the library, here are our hours.

  • The library will be closed the starting weekend of the break, Saturday March 16th and Sunday March 17th.
  • During the week our hours will be shorter than usual: 8 AM through 5 PM Monday through Friday, the 18th-22nd.
  • Also, we will be closed the last Saturday of the break, March 23rd.
  • On Sunday March 24th we will resume regular scheduling by opening at 2 PM and be here till midnight for all of you that forgot to print off the paper or finish up the project that is due the week we return from break (who wants to work on homework over spring break??)

In case you need our hours of operation before or after spring break, here is a link for you to check our calendar:

Hope you all have a wonderful break! Have fun and stay safe!

Forward, ever.
BSC Library Student Blogger

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Provost's Forum feat. Dr. Laura Stultz

     This week's Provost Forum, presented by Dr. Laura K. Stultz, is entitled "Using Mass Spectrometry to Find the Biological Targets of an Anti-Cancer Drug". Dr. Stultz, who has been at the College since 1997, is part of the chemistry faculty at Birmingham-Southern and routinely teaches several lecture and lab courses, including CH 149 (Chemical Principles) and CH 306 (Inorganic Chemistry).
     The seminar, which concerns specific chemical techniques to determining specific properties of anti-cancer compounds, falls right into place with Dr. Stultz's academic interests, including bioinorganic chemistry, material science, and transition metal chemistry. Dr. Stultz has worked closely with Dr. Pamela Hanson of the Biology department before on metal-based anti-cancer complexes, including KP1019.
     This Provost Forum will take place during Common Hour (11 a.m. to 12 p.m.) in the Norton Theater, this Thursday, 3/14. If you have a special interest in the science behind new revolutions in medical technology, don't forget to make a note in your schedule to attend!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Antonya Nelson- BACHE Visiting Writer

Antonya Nelson is a part of the BACHE Visiting Writing Series. BACHE (The Birmingham Consortium for Higher Education) is a partnership among 5 colleges and universities in the Birmingham area. The goal of the partnership is to promote education through sharing resources. It essentially created a network amongst the colleges.

Antonya Nelson is the author of 4 novels and numerous short stories. Her work has appeared in several famous magazines, including the New Yorker and Harper's. We encourage everyone to come hear her talk about her work.

When? Tuesday, March 12 @ Common Hour (11AM)
Where? Harbert Auditorium
Why? Because this is a great opportunity to hear the perspective of a creative author!

We hope to see you there!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Common Hour on LGBTQ+ Rights

Dr. Tim Smith, Associate Professor of Art History, and Dr. Mary-Kate Lizotte, Assistant Professor of Political Science, will be giving a joint presentation Thursday (March 7) during Common Hour. Their discussion of "Political and Popular Discourse on LGBTQ+ Rights: An Interdisciplinary Conversation?" will tie in closely with the other Civil Rights lectures given next week and earlier this week, and will be held in the Norton Theatre at 11 a.m.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Library needs student suggestions for SGA movie collection!

Have you ever gone to check out a movie from the library, only to find that after thoroughly searching, it's nowhere to be found? Well now is the time to change that! The library is gearing up to order some new movies for the SGA recreational video collection, and we need student input.  Whether it's an older movie that we have on VHS but not DVD, or a new movie that's just been released on DVD, or maybe even a movie that we don't have in either format, please drop by the Circulation Desk some time over the next few days to put your suggestions in the box!

A big THANK YOU to SGA for providing the funds for us to be able to purchase these movies!