If you have ever used WorldCat.org to search the holdings of libraries worldwide, the new catalog will look familiar to you. If you have never used WorldCat, we think you will find the new system very easy to use. A Library Guide explaining how you can search the new system, activate your Library Account, and set up a WorldCat account is available here.
The contents of our new library catalog are the same as the old: it holds records for the library’s physical materials, including books, DVDs, CDs, LPs, and magazine and journal titles. It also includes records for (and links to) some of the e-books and e-journals that we own and some of our government documents. Among the new features of this library catalog are easy options for citing items and creating bibliographies. For fans of smart phone searching, a mobile version (still in beta mode) is available at http://bsclibrary.worldcat.org/m.
All current students, faculty and staff have accounts in the new system, and we will be checking out items to you in this system from here on out. Please note: the library staff is still in the process of transferring lists of current check-outs from the old system to the new, so for the next couple of weeks some items may show up as "available" even though they are really checked out. We appreciate your patience as we make this shift!
Our old library catalog (SirsiDynix Webcat) will remain available for consultation through June 30 but will no longer be updated. The library's Discovery system, which allows people to simultaneously search the library catalog and many of the databases, will remain in place.
The new catalog system is a work in progress. We are still learning about its many features (on both the public and technical sides) and will be adjusting local settings over the next few months. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about the new system: email cmarshal@bsc.edu or libref@bsc.edu, or call us at 205-226-4740.
Happy searching!