Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The new BSC Library Catalog awaits your searches!

The BSC Library is pleased to introduce our new online catalog system, powered by OCLC WorldCat!  The public catalog is available for you to search at bsclibrary.worldcat.org.

If you have ever used WorldCat.org to search the holdings of libraries worldwide, the new catalog will look familiar to you.  If you have never used WorldCat, we think you will find the new system very easy to use.  A Library Guide explaining how you can search the new system, activate your Library Account, and set up a WorldCat account is available here.

The contents of our new library catalog are the same as the old:  it holds records for the library’s physical materials, including books, DVDs, CDs, LPs, and magazine and journal titles.  It also includes records for (and links to) some of the e-books and e-journals that we own and some of our government documents.  Among the new features of this library catalog are easy options for citing items and creating bibliographies.  For fans of smart phone searching, a mobile version (still in beta mode) is available at http://bsclibrary.worldcat.org/m.

All current students, faculty and staff have accounts in the new system, and we will be checking out items to you in this system from here on out.  Please note: the library staff is still in the process of transferring lists of current check-outs from the old system to the new, so for the next couple of weeks some items may show up as "available" even though they are really checked out.  We appreciate your patience as we make this shift!

Our old library catalog (SirsiDynix Webcat) will remain available for consultation through June 30 but will no longer be updated.  The library's Discovery system, which allows people to simultaneously search the library catalog and many of the databases, will remain in place.

The new catalog system is a work in progress.  We are still learning about its many features (on both the public and technical sides) and will be adjusting local settings over the next few months.  Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about the new system: email cmarshal@bsc.edu or libref@bsc.edu, or call us at 205-226-4740.  

Happy searching!

Friday, May 16, 2014

The BSC Library congratulates
our Graduating Seniors!
You are now prepared for a new and exciting chapter of your lives.  Don't forget -- along the way if you find yourself in a state of befuddlement seek out your nearest library and find some answers!

BSC Library Hours until Summer School are:

Friday, May 16:  8 a.m. -- 5 p.m.
Sat. - Sun., May 17 - 18:  CLOSED
Mon. - Fri., May 19 - 23:  8 a.m. -- 5 p.m.
Sat. - Mon., May 24 - 26:  CLOSED (Memorial Day Weekend)
Tues. - Fri., May 27 - 30:  8 a.m. -- 5 p.m.
Sat. - Sun., May 31 - June 1:  CLOSED
Mon. - Tues., June 2 - 3:  8 a.m. -- 5 p.m.

Classes resume on June 4.  Check back for summer hours.

from myfeetinmotion.com/what i've learned in college

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Extended library hours for finals!

Final exams are coming up, and that means extended hours of operation for the library! (Many thanks to our awesome SGA for making this possible and also to Campus Police staff for making sure we are safe in the late hours of the night!)

The library will be open for the following hours:
Thursday, May 8: 8am - open all night (Circulation Desk closes at 2am)
Friday, May 9: 8am-10pm
Saturday, May 10: 9am-midnight
Sunday, May 11: 2pm - open all night (Circulation Desk closes at 2am)
Monday, May 12: open 24 hours (Circulation Desk closes at 2am)
Tuesday, May 13: open 24 hours (Circulation Desk closes at 2am)
Wednesday, May 14: open 24 hours (Circulation Desk closes at 2am)
Thursday, May 15: 8am-10pm
Friday, May 16: 8am-5pm

Also, as we come up on the end of the semester, please make a note that all Interlibrary Loan books will be due back on Monday, May 12, and no renewals will be given past that date! (However, we will still be able to get periodical articles and chapters in books past Monday.)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Provost's Forum: Dr. Shane Pitts

 Dr. Shane Pitts, Professor of Psychology, will present his lecture Ostracism-Motivated Perception; Disgust-Ambiguous Social Categorization; Race-Ascriptions of Humanity: A Psychological Research Potpourri this Tuesday, May 6th during Common Hour in Norton Theatre. A cognitive psychologist, Dr. Pitts' fascinating academic interests include memory distortions, implicit memories, and heuristics -- even the social cognition of stereotypes and prejudices.

This event is an EEIS credit!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Award for Excellence in Library Research announced!

Congratulations to Jake O'Leary, winner of the first annual Excellence in Library Research Award! The award, sponsored by the Birmingham-Southern College Library, is given to any current first- or second-year student whose paper submitted to the Southern Academic Review (SAR) best demonstrates an advanced understanding and appropriate use of the Library's services and collections. Mr. O'Leary's paper, "KP1019: Chemical Interactions with Nitrogenous Bases and Their Biological Significance," can be found online in the current volume of the SAR, Birmingham-Southern's annual student journal of scholarship.  Mr. O'Leary received a cash award and his name is inscribed on a plaque in the Library.

Congratulations also to the editors of SAR--McKenzie Davies, Sean McCarthy, and Lauren Chisholm--who received the President's Award during Honor's Day!

Past issues of SAR can be found online through the Library's Digital Collections, along with past issues of other student publications.
Jake O'Leary, BSC sophomore and inaugural winner of the
 annual Excellence in Library Research Award