Friday, August 29, 2008
Latest Acquisitions
New Library Research Toolkit
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Welcome, New Students!
... and welcome back, returning students!
The Library and ARC held our new student orientation sessions in the library this morning. Kim Thomas and Julia Matson spoke with students about the Academic Resource Center and its services; Geri Worley provided an overview of some of the information technology available to students on campus; Pam Sawallis and Steve Laughlin discussed library databases and other services; and Stacey Thornberry energetically led students on tours of the building and its collections. We were generally pleased with the turnout - and we thank the peer advisors and SOS for their help with this part of orientation! If you missed the library orientation, or found your interest piqued by one of the sessions, please note that the first 3 Common Hours of the semester have been set aside by the Provost to follow up on some of the information we quickly breezed through today:
Tuesday, September 2 Getting Comfortable with Blackboard & Office 2007 Time / Place: 11 a.m. / Library Auditorium Presenter: Geri Worley, Library Systems & Accounts Manager
Thursday, September 4 College-Level Writing & the Writing Center Time / Place: 11 a.m. / Writing Center (Humanities Center 102) Presenter: Rachel Clevenger, Writing Center Director Tuesday, September 9 That First Research Paper: You Can Do It, We Can Help Time / Place: 11 a.m. / Library Auditorium Presenters: Guy Hubbs, Steve Laughlin & Pamela Sawallis, Reference Librarians Please plan on attending 1, 2, or (gasp) even all 3 of these Common Hours, as your schedule permits. We hope to see you there!